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Surfox-M Značkovacia tekutina


SURFOX-M is an electrolyte solution that has been especially developed for the permanent marking of stainless steel. This oxidation process leaves a black mark on the stainless steel surface without altering it. Markings on stainless steel are resistant to mechanical and chemical attacks.

  • Electrolyte solution for the permanent marking of stainless steel 
  • The oxidation process leaves a black mark on the stainless steel surface without altering it 
  • Markings on stainless steel are resistant to mechanical and chemical attacks 
  • No labelling required under the CLP Regulation

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SURFOX-M is an electrolyte solution that has been especially developed for the permanent marking...viac
Surfox-M Značkovacia tekutina

SURFOX-M is an electrolyte solution that has been especially developed for the permanent marking of stainless steel. This oxidation process leaves a black mark on the stainless steel surface without altering it. Markings on stainless steel are resistant to mechanical and chemical attacks.

  • Electrolyte solution for the permanent marking of stainless steel 
  • The oxidation process leaves a black mark on the stainless steel surface without altering it 
  • Markings on stainless steel are resistant to mechanical and chemical attacks 
  • No labelling required under the CLP Regulation

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Pečate kvality: Bez označenia


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